March St. George, Utah Weather and Temperature Information

March Average high temperature: 68.1 degrees Fahrenheit; 20.1 degrees Celsius

March Median low temperature: 37.4 F; 3 C

March Average rain: 1.0 inches; 2.5 cm

March Average snow: 0 inches; 0 cm

“Beware the ides of March” is a cliche that doesn’t fit with Utah’s Dixie weather forecast.  March is more of a transition period where you can occasionally get a cold day or night. Nothing to “beware” of.  For the most part, it is sunny and pleasant. It’s a time where most that live in the desert look forward to because you can definitely tell the relative cold of the winter months is wearing off and spring is starting.

The entertainment in Saint George in March includes a lot of activities and events that can’t happen in Northern Utah because of the weather.  Some examples include:

  • The Spectrum 10k run takes place in March, which includes a nice run in Snow Canyon State Park finishing in Ivins.
  • There’s usual plenty of softball tournaments
  • Baseball teams flock to southern Utah to get games in via “march madness” type tournaments or against the local high school teams
  • Utah State Bar Association usually has a spring convention
  • Ironman camp type coaching
  • St. George arts festival
  • Even events like Utah Department of Human Services Instructor training

March St. George weather, March St. George temperature, March Saint George weather, March Saint George temperature, St. George weather in March , St. George temperature in March, Saint George weather in March, Saint George temperature in March